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()de-kär-so-ra-shan / noun


A policy that seeks to reduce the number of people who are incarcerated and promote alternatives to imprisonment.

Join initiatives to end Mass Incarceration

Bills & Announcements!


Did you know that in the United States, approximately 1.9 million individuals are currently incarcerated? Even more shocking, over 113 million people have a family member who has been imprisoned or jailed. These alarming figures, gathered from Prison Policy Org, highlight the extensive impact of Mass Incarceration. At, our primary objective is to raise awareness about the long-term consequences caused by this practice. We strongly believe in the need for Sentencing Reform to establish a system that prioritizes rehabilitation rather than punishment, aiming for a society that is fair and just. While we do not condone criminal activity, we also recognize the importance of addressing the root causes and providing opportunities for reform. Together, let's strive for a society that is more equitable and compassionate for all.

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For more in-depth data and statistic info, please visit:

Help Us Stop Mass Incarceration by Supporting Decarceration, Join Us Now!

You can make a difference, every action helps
Choose one or all of the eight steps outlined below and get started, now!

Making a difference doesn't always require grand gestures or extraordinary circumstances. There are numerous ways you can contribute to the decarceration movement and support those affected by mass incarceration. See our 8 recommended steps below:

1. Start Conversations

Engage with friends, family, or even strangers about the issue of mass incarceration. By raising awareness and discussing the challenges faced by those trapped in the prison system, you can encourage empathy and understanding.

Do you know anyone or are you connected to an organization that might be able to help us get the word out faster? Perhaps someone within the government, legal profession or affiliate with; ACLU, American Friends Service Committee, NAACP, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, American Psychologist Association, or other Organizations, Business Leaders, Colleges or Universities, Religious Organizations, or Celebrity Voices to help us make a difference?


Wear or display Decarceration or Prison Reform products  doing this can start conversations for you!

Print Decarceration materials to pass out and reach more people.

School Hallway
Image by Shawn Fields

2. Utilize Social Media

Take advantage of the power of social media platforms to spread information and educate others about the realities of mass incarceration. Share articles, documentaries, or personal stories that shed light on the issues. Encourage your followers to join the conversation and become more informed.


Commit to our social media strategy by telling a minimum of five (5) people in your network to help reach the goal to mobilize 1.9 million people.

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By informing a minimum of five (5) people and they follow suit, in a short period of time we can reach 1.9 Million!


Together we can make a change!


3. Volunteer or Contribute

Research local organizations supporting decarceration efforts and see how you can contribute. Whether it's volunteering your time, skills, or resources, every effort counts. You could help with mentoring programs for individuals reentering society after imprisonment, or donate to organizations providing legal aid to those unjustly incarcerated and their families.

Setup or sponsor a Decarceration Workshop or schedule a visit from Schoolman101 to visit your; Business, School, Church, Synagogue, or other organization.


Sign up for our complementary membership at or choose a monthly subscription membership for more benefits.


If financially able, contribute to assist schoolman101 in reaching more individuals and enact change.


Become a Decarceration Ambassador to present and train others to assist in expanding the movement and consider volunteering at a jail or prison to teach, give a talk, and or minister.

Experts Panel

4. Support / Submit Legislation

Stay informed about proposed state and federal legislation related to criminal justice reform and mass incarceration.


Write letters, emails and call your representatives expressing your support for policies that aim to reduce incarceration rates and prioritize rehabilitation over punishment.

Rally at Representatives' district offices monthly by following the methodology of sending emails, writing letters, making phone calls, creating and/or signing petitions, and attending rallies. Wear Prison Reform T-shirts, pass out Decarceration materials.

Students in Library

5. Educate Yourself

Take the time to learn more about the root causes, consequences, and potential solutions regarding mass incarceration. This will enable you to have more informed conversations and advocate for change effectively.

Watch this video on how a Bill becomes a law.

Learn to sponsor and/or write petitions for legislation consideration.

Sign up for our monthly newsletter, join our regular video/calls, support our blog, and share with others.


6. Attend / Sponsor Events

Look for local events, workshops, or panel discussions focused on criminal justice reform. Participating in these gatherings can connect you with like-minded individuals and provide opportunities to learn from experts in the field.

Consider setting up your own event.

Wear or display Prison Reform Products at the events and on our special messaging days (Wear on the 3rd Friday of every month). Each purchase helps schoolman101 continue our mission to enact change and reach more individuals, and 10% of every purchase goes to to buy socks / hygiene products for the indigent inmate population.

7. Helping Your Specific Incarcerated Loved One

You may feel helpless in assisting your loved-one regain their freedom but there are ways you can help to give them a greater probability of success. 


A frustrated inmate told schoolman101; “You can do what you want on the outside, but if we aren’t making noise from the inside, it is not as impetuous as we need. We must join you from the inside!"
(This is what the inmates did in Michigan to get a 18 and under billed passed.)

Schoolman101 will inform you regularly on the many ways YOU can make a difference. Please refer to the information below and work with your incarcerated loved-one to improve their chances of being releasedget started today!

A. Prisoner BIO


Seek a Civil Rights Attorney if possible, to help you understand your inmate’s rights and inform the fellow community of their rights. A prisoner must create a personal Prisoner BIO that includes the following: Rehabilitation progress since incarceration, education, spirituality, trades, and personal improvement. Please incorporate your Individual Treatment Plan that is given to you upon incarceration. Also, if you have completed a Specialized Treatment Plan that is specific to your crime, such as drug treatment training. Reach out to a Psychologist who is willing to do an independent (one-on-one) with individuals to show your inmates growth, maturity, and newly formed cognitive skills. Seeking to have the Psychologist build a report that could be used as a document include in the Prisoner Bio to support release and to add to your letter writing campaigns. Please craft your Bio as if it will be presented to top legislatures. The focus is to show your transformation and that you are ready for reentry into society. Keep in mind: Many states are protesting the 13 Amendment which says, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction”. The bottom line is if your loved-one is incarcerated they are considered a slave, and in the state of Texas, they are not compensated for their labor. This is wrong and we need to work together to change this legislation.

B. Create a Reentry Plan

Please aid your loved-one by helping them with their reentry plans for the following: • Budget/Saving • Housing • Employment • Network • Family • Faith • Reference Letters • School / Trade School ​Important steps you take before released can reduce the possibility of re-incarceration.


C. Combine Voices

Along with the other like-minded inmates, your loved one needs to create an ‘Informational Pamphlet’ that outlines their unit's plight: • Who are we? • What is our purpose and intent? • What we are seeking through a change in the language of the law • What we are asking prosecutors and Judges to look at for fair relief • What we are asking the Parole Board to look at and how they could be educated on the new language to guide their decision-making process • Must show your rehabilitation from the beginning of incarceration to what you are today. All degrees and certificates you have received. • The package should include supporting documents from news articles, research studies, etc., that help to educate the reader. •Spend time in the law library working on Amicus Curiae briefs. The purpose of the amicus curiae is to influence the decision of the court. A so-called “friend of the court” will submit an amicus curiae brief that addresses aspects of the issue or case at hand and attempts to inform the court’s decision. Go to this link to get more information. The men can find many of these briefs in their law library or tablets. That could be packaged and sent to Federal and State legislatures. • The men in prison advocate in the prison system to create programs and workshop classes specifically for legislation at all levels. These approved classes on days and times give the men opportunities to come together to build strategies and find ways to engage more with community leaders and organizations who could start coming into those classes or workshops to talk, or even do programs. Which usually led to their direct involvement in supporting the advocacy for the cause. Work closely with all volunteers that come into the unit and leverage their support and network.


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8. Taking Care of Yourself is Important, too

It is important that your take good care of yourself, too. Make time for your health, get plenty of rest, and also, work to get your own budget and finances in good order so you will feel more secure.

Seek out organizations in your immediate area that provide support for the families of the incarcerated. Join a support group for yourself and/or children if applicable. Work on your own personal development, take an assessment test to gain perspective on how to reach your goals.

Holding Hands

Remember, making a difference starts with small steps, and your efforts, no matter where you are, can have a significant impact. Review the eight (8) steps above and commit to doing as many of them as possible. By being a compassionate citizen, you can help bring about positive change for those affected by mass incarceration.

Federal Representatives & Legislation Look Up

Together we can make legislation changes if we contact our Federal Representatives and ask them to support or reject proposed Bills contributing to Mass Incarceration and Sentencing Reform.

Each representative, also known as a congressman or congresswoman, serves a two-year term representing a specific congressional district. The House of Representatives has a fixed number of 435 voting members, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states. Additionally, there are five delegates representing the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, along with a resident commissioner for Puerto Rico.

Federal House

Federal Bills

Help us by searching for proposed Federal Legislation and contact your representatives. You can use the search feature to look up and monitor more pending Bills on:

Vote Yay

Vote Nay

Above are pending Bills under consideration; please contact your representative and voice your opinion.

Federal Senate

The Senate is considered the upper chamber of congress. Every state elects two U.S. Senators that make up the 100 members in the Senate. These senators are elected to serve six-year terms and are a part of the Legislative branch of government.

Bill Creation 101

You Can Help Write Bills, too. Watch this video on how a Bill is created and Legislation gets passed:

State Representatives & Legislation Look Up

Together we can make legislation changes if we contact our State Representatives and ask them to support or reject proposed Bills contributing to Mass Incarceration and Sentencing Reform.

Legislation at a State level is urgent. We all must do out part to make a difference in our own backyard. Please click the button below to search for your specific State Legislators.

State Reps

Bill Creation 101

You Can Help Write Bills, too. Watch this video on how a Bill is created and Legislation gets passed:

State Bills

Help us by searching for proposed State Legislation and contact your representatives. You can use the search feature to look up and monitor more pending Bills on:

Vote Yay

Vote Nay

Above are pending Bills under consideration; please contact your representative and voice your opinion.

Templates and Advice When Contacting Lawmakers, News Outlets, Judges, and Other Officials

We can only change policy and legislation if our voices are heard and we reach out to our Federal and State Legislators. Below find guidelines and templates to customize for your use:

Always be respectful and courteous. Include the following:

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  1. Date

  2. Representative's address

  3. Salutation

  4. Introduce yourself: your name, address and school to identify that you or your love one is a constituent

  5. List the Unit where you or your love one is serving time

  6. Why are you writing your Representative? (if it's concerning a specific Bill, include the Bill number if possible).

  7. Ask for a response

  8. Thank your Representative for their time

  9. Closing with your name

Perry-Shirt_edited_edited.jpg hosts certain days to wear prison reform apparel of your choice.


Please visit our store for a variety of clothing and other items to bring awareness to the cause and support our ongoing efforts to help the incarcerated.

Show your Support

Wear Prison Reform
Apparel hosts certain functions and days to wear prison reform apparel.

Wear your own apparel or visit our store for a variety of clothing and other items to bring awareness to the cause and support our ongoing efforts to help the incarcerated. While we accept contributions to allow us to keep the movement going forward. We also have added merchandise to our official messaging platform including T-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, and more. By purchasing these items, you assist the movement in 2 ways, 1. You now are helping to fund the cause and keep the movement functioning. 2. By using merchandising as a part of our messaging platform, our message gets out faster, especially on T-shirts. According to Wikipedia in the United States, we buy 2 billion T-shirts per year, what a platform! People buy T-shirts for 2 reasons; 1. Comfort-they want something that feels good to wear. 2.Idenity- they desire to convey their passion or a meaningful message (Decarceration). Keep in mind that any merchandise you purchase at least 10% goes directly to our Prisoner Hygiene fund that is donated to prisoners for the indigent population. Some form of this merchandise will be used during our petitioning and monthly rallies.

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