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Schoolman Merch

Every purchase assists Schoolman101 in reaching more individuals affected by Mass Incarceration. In addition, we donate 10% of our proceeds directly to to help the vast underserved population in the prison community gain access to clothing, self-care, and hygiene products. We encourage you to suggest other charities we should consider by sending your recommendations to:

Help us end Mass Incarceration by raising awareness about this issue, and show your support for the cause by wearing a prison reform or Decarceration101 item on the third Friday of each month. Thank you!


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Declutter Magic

Declutter Magic


Declutter Your Way To Greater Success And Happiness


How To Get More By Doing With Less


Most people are playing a LOSING GAME: they buy stuff they don’t need with money they don’t have to impress people they don’t even like... The DANGER of CLUTTERED LIVING


  • Most people are so stressed they are not as EFFECTIVE as they could be
  • Most people are so stressed they are not as HAPPY AND CONTENT as they could be
  • Mental clutter
  • Physical clutter leads to mental clutter and the other way around - a Toxic feedback loop
  • Don’t poison your relationships due to toxic clutter
  • Stop stressing yourself out and learn today how to declutter your life!
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