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Schoolman Merch

Every purchase assists Schoolman101 in reaching more individuals affected by Mass Incarceration. In addition, we donate 10% of our proceeds directly to to help the vast underserved population in the prison community gain access to clothing, self-care, and hygiene products. We encourage you to suggest other charities we should consider by sending your recommendations to:

Help us end Mass Incarceration by raising awareness about this issue, and show your support for the cause by wearing a prison reform or Decarceration101 item on the third Friday of each month. Thank you!


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It's YOUR Year

It's YOUR Year


One of the fastest ways to get what you want most in life is to set clear goals. However, if you are like most people, setting goals and achieving them is a difficult task. One reason for this is that we don't have a clear vision of what we want our lives to be. Without a crystal-clear idea of what you want in your life, you'll fail to achieve even the most straightforward goals. Take our course and receive a 5-minute guide to help you set crystal-clear goals and achieve them quicker than you ever could have imagined.


The first thing that you need to be clear about is what a goal is and what it’s not. Many people make the mistake of believing that the New Year's resolutions they made are the same as goals. However, a resolution is nothing more than an intention waiting for a plan. It is in essence, simply a wish list of what we would like for our lives. The resolutions that you make may or may not be something you can achieve. 

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