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Together we can Stop Mass Incarceration! did we get here in the first place?


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Mass Incarceration

Mass Incarceration has affected every family in the United States, as a matter of fact, according to prison policy. org 113 million adults have a family member who has been in jail or prison. What is Mass Incarceration? "Mass incarceration” refers to the reality that the United States criminalizes and incarcerates more of its own people than any other country in the history of the world and inflicts that enormous harm primarily on the most vulnerable among us: poor people of color.

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The United States leads the world in incarceration. The U.S. incarceration population has increased by 500% in the past 40 years. If you look at the charts below, you can see where it started. President Nixon with a war on crime up 14%, President Ford up 12%. President Carter dropped by -34%. President Reagan +78% war on drugs, President Bush +39% war on drugs continued, President Clinton +56% war on drugs continues, and President G.W. Bush +32% war on drugs continues..


These charts where located on: www.xxxxwebsite

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There are 2.2 million people behind bars-by far the highest incarceration rate of any comparable nation. We have less than 5% of the world’s population but nearly 25% of its prisoners. The United States spends $182 billion per year on mass incarceration, a system that harms millions and fails to make communities safer. This includes 3,000 jails and 1,900 state and federal prisons that cost taxpayers $85 billion per year.

In conjunction living conditions have been brutal. Lack of guards has meant many men go without showers; no recreation just pinned up frustration. There are many inhumane conditions in prison. Some units are roach and rat infected with inadequate medical facilities and lack of proper air conditioning in most units.

How do we stop mass incarceration, it’s called

With decarceration we must implement new policies at all levels:

  1. Police should arrest fewer people.

  2. District attorneys should stop charging people for low-level offenses.

  3. Legislators should end money bail and reform sentencing practices.

  4. Enact policies to reduce sentence minimums and maximums currently on the books.

  5. Eliminate Three Strikes Laws and Truth in sentencing.

This crisis’s affects everyone whether you have a love one in prison or just are a tax paying citizen. If you are on this page and reading about the decarceration movement, we thank you for your commitment. Please go through each section and select the box of which part of the movement you can fully commit to. wants to mobilizing 1.9 million+ people to assist with the
Decarceration Movement.


We believe you have the power to make a significant difference in reducing mass incarceration by bringing awareness of the Decarceration Movement within your own personal network. If you follow this process by introducing five (5) people to the movement and those five (5) people share this information with their network, the movement can grow rapidly.

This movement is based one person at a time,
YOU! If you share this information with friends and family and encourage them to get involved with the Decarceration Movement, we can make a big difference!


The sample below displays the power we have as a people when coming together to leverage our networks and social media platforms:

If you inform 5, and they inform 5, this = 25

If the 25 informs 5 this = 125

If the 125 informs 5 this = 625

If the 625 informs 5 this = 3,125

If the 3,125 informs 5  this = 15,625

If the 15,625 informs 5 this = 78,125

If the 78,125 informs 5 this = 390,625

If the 390,625 informs 5 this = 1,953,125...

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With the power of social media, we could get the Decarceration message out very fast
as a collective group and put a stop to mass incarceration. The
works like this, we have established 7 steps that can be used to attach the
problem. Your job is to review all steps and chose the steps that you can personally
commit to. Remember, if you can’t do all 7 steps, just join the movement for the steps
that you know you can commit to.


Help us reach the goal of 1.9 million people, starting with YOU and YOUR five (5) people.
While we except donations to allow us to keep the movement going forward. We also
have added our merchandising catalog as our official messaging platform. With
merchandise from T-shirts to hoodies to coffee mugs and more. By purchasing these
items, you assist the movement in 2 ways; 1. You now are helping to fund the cause
and keep the movement functioning. 2. By using merchandising as our messaging
platform the message gets out fast especially on T-shirts. According to Wikipedia in the
United States we buy 2billion T-shirts per year, what a platform. People buy T-shirts for
2 reasons:

1. Comfort - they want something that feels good when they wear it.
2.Identity - they want a shirt that conveys their passion or a meaningful message (

Keep in mind that any merchandise you purchase, 10% goes into our Hygiene fund to be
donated to prisons for the indigent population. Some form of this merchandise will be
used during our petitioning and monthly rallies.


Now let’s get started on you joining the movement.

Please go to our marketing button to collect marketing material for Family and Social
Media gatherings. Let’s go through the steps,

A list of some organizations that can give support to the Decarceration movement and help promote legislative changes.

You may know someone at any of these organizations that could give commitment and support to the movement. Research your network to see if you know anyone in the listed organizations that could give support behind a bill. Also, if you have other connections please includethem and bring their support to the movement.


Questions to ask and dialogue:

ACLU in Texas: What can they do?


  • Do they have a prison reform Attorney or Civil Rights Attorney? Or Department?

  • Do they have prison reform workshops or programs aimed at working with juveniles?

AFSC in Texas:

  • Do they have a prison reform Attorney or Civil Rights Attorney? Or Department?

  • Do they have prison reform workshops or programs aimed at working with juveniles?

NAACP in Texas:

  • Do they have a prison reform Attorney or Civil Rights Attorney? Or Department?

  • Do they have prison reform workshops or programs aimed at working with Juveniles?

Community Colleges or Universities/Businesses:

  • Professors in Sociology and Criminal Justice that would become allies in

  • support of the cause. (Also, would they be willing to teach classes or workshops?)

  • Engage businesses, where you work, or places that you do business with.

  • Please print off the decarceration package and leave it with them.

  • Parents connect with a Law School and Law Professor who will be willing to

  • come into the prison to help do workshops on Lobbying and Advocacy work

  • and legislation. Share with your family and friends – How to Talk in person or call legislatures and lobby our cause as professionals. * (Would law students be willing to intern and teach)

Reach out to Psychologists:

  • Find psychologists who are willing to do independent (one-on-one) with individuals to show their growth, maturity and newly formed cognitive skills.

  • Seeking to have the Psychologist build a report that could be used as a document to support our initial letter writing campaign package.

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